Our Vision
Jesus You are Welcome in Every Class!
Oasis Bible Training Center is a school founded in the Finger Lake region of New York State by Steve & Diane Porter in 2018. It makes available a variety of classes that will bring people into a deeper level of intimacy with the Lord. It is designed as a special place where He can be Lord, where He can move without hindrance, when and where He pleases, as we give Him the freedom and welcome His manifest presence.
Oasis operates as a faith-based school, providing education without charging any enrollment fees. We warmly welcome anyone who wishes to become a student, regardless of their financial situation. Our reliance is placed entirely on faith, trusting that God will provide for all our financial needs and support the continued operation of our school.
Oasis was designed to be God’s safe and beautiful garden where you will grow in intimacy with God. It is dedicated to preparing men and women to live out God’s purposes in these end times, to glorify Him and to make Him known. Our heart’s cry is that the school will be a special, welcoming place for the Lord, that He might have a place and a people who are completely His. It is our vision to Occupy until He comes!
Steve Porter
President, Teacher
• To exalt the person of Lord Jesus Christ, making His name famous
• To foster an environment where the abiding presence of the Lord is warmly welcomed with the expectation that He will do great things through surrendered hearts.
• To develop in each student a deeper love for Christ, practicing His presence without ceasing, in prayer, worship, and Bible study, so that He ultimately becomes their all in all.
• To develop loving, Spirit-led end-time leaders who hear and obey the Spirit’s leading, doing whatever it takes to see God’s will be done on the earth.
We know our best days are ahead of us as we equip the body of Christ to personally know the Lord. We desire to enter into PHASE 2 of our campus to build a larger facility that can house the preparation of a people. To have more classroom space, a larger chapel, cafeteria, dorm rooms, and offices. We desire to also invite international students as well and desire a place to put them to care for them properly. As a Bible School we must keep moving forward and PRAY and FAST for our next step. And that's exactly what we're doing here. We're constantly striving to be better and to do more for our future students. We're excited to announce that we're in the process of planning a larger facility that can house all preparation needs. This will allow us to serve even more people and make an even bigger impact. If you feel called to join us in this work, please click here and sow any seed you feel led to. Together, we can make sure that the best is indeed yet to come. CLICK HERE
“If you Build God a House of Devotion He will Build you a House of Ministry.” — Walter Beuttler