What our Students are Saying….
How Oasis Bible Training Center Impacted My Life
By Donna Milham
Oasis Bible School – Spring 2024
The journey ever deeper into the Heart of God has been my pursuit for many years now.
When I first read one of Steve’s books, my heart resounded – yes - this is one who is on this journey and has so much to impart, share and help go deeper.
I purchased books, and more books and listened to messages and attended one gathering in New York and my heart felt so aligned with Refuge Ministries and Oasis Bible Training Center.
I knew I had to attend online and become part of this school and continue to delve deeper.
I love learning, I love encountering the Lord and having my life be more and more transformed in and through His beautiful presence. He continues to draw me, and the school continues to encourage this pursuit.
From the beginning of my journey with Christ there is one passage that has been the foundation of my walk – Galatians 2:20. Philippians 2:10-11 has also been another foundation stone on my destiny into Christlikeness. When I hear Steve Jones, Steve Porter and Dad Porter speak of the Cross and Resurrection and our lives being laid down in obedience as worship unto the Lord – my spirit cries out – yes Lord! Deeper ever deeper into Your likeness and Your nature as the very substance of my life. Not many places focus on these depths and heights in the Spirit.
I have walked with the Lord since 1974 and I am hungrier than ever for Him and for carrying His fragrance, His love to be expressed through my life, His compassion and kindness, His restoration and healing and hope to those He puts in my path and my sphere of influence.
As a pastor I have been discipling the small church I lead in and with Refuge Ministries books.
Sharing the portions as He leads and directs, that we as a community would be carriers of His glorious presence and nature. That we would be known for those whose lives are sold out, poured out worshippers at His Feet. That we would be servants and lovers of the One Who is worthy to receive all glory, honor, power and praise.
In the midst of many voices vying for our attention - seeking to be known, seeking to be seen, seeking for a legacy, my heart has been encouraged again and again – to seek first His Kingdom. To lay my heart on His Heart and to be fully aligned in and with the rhythm of His Heart. To walk with Him in holy fear and dependency. Thank you for affirming and confirming this call, a way that is not always taught or modeled.
This school carries the plumbline of holy truth. It resounds with the Voice of the Shepherd coming through shepherds who are pouring into our hearts – eternal treasures of wisdom from Above – mined in the secret chambers of the Lord.
You are being so beautifully used in the preparation of myself and those in this school, of becoming His Bride. Truly I am being made ready, with dove eyes and dove hearts – fixed in steadfast devotion on the One Who gave His life for mine and desires nothing less than all of my heart and all of my soul and all of my being and holy devotion.
What higher goal, what greater measure of success is there – than how close we are to Him.
Thank you for the privilege and joy of being part of Oasis Bible Training Center.
“ This school carries the plumbline of holy truth. It resounds with the Voice of the Shepherd coming through shepherds who are pouring into our hearts – eternal treasures of wisdom from Above – mined in the secret chambers of the Lord.”
— Donna Milham
Karen Waterfield, Brantford, Ontario.
I want to share a VISION that I had in my spirit during Class 1 of the "Knowing God in an Intimate Way" series. I would like to share it with our group taking the course.
'Jesus walked into the room at the start of the session. He walked towards me and then sat down next to me. He wanted me to hold His Hand, so I moved my hand to the right and placed it in His. He held my hand.
We sat there for a while. Then, in my spirit, Jesus and I got up, holding hands, and walked to His Garden filled with red flowers. We ran through the garden together, hair blowing freely in the wind of the Spirit, laughing, holding hands, running. There were red, pink, purple and yellow flowers.
Then we went to the Holy of Holies. We walked in together. I wore a white robe washed by Jesus' Red Blood. He wore a long white glowing gown. He became taller and shining and Regal and Majestic.
“‘Jesus walked into the room at the start of the session. He walked towards me and then sat down next to me. He wanted me to hold His Hand, so I moved my hand to the right and placed it in His. He held my hand. ”