“Lord, if there could be a place where you could be who you want to be, and do what you want to do, I am available!”


“Lord, if there could be a place where you could be who you want to be, and do what you want to do, I am available!” — Wade E. Taylor

I posted this quote on my Facebook page not long ago. I had to stop and reflect on this famous quote by a very special man to the body of Christ—Wade Taylor. It began in the fall of 1956, when Wade enrolled as a student at Eastern Bible Institute (EBI) in Green Lane, Pennsylvania where one of his teachers, Walter Beuttler, had a profound influence and made a powerful impartation into his life. Beuttler encouraged his students to cultivate a personal and experiential knowledge of the Lord, not just knowing about Him, but becoming His friends, His resting place. Two transforming qualities were established in Wade.